Report on a GroAloe Trial to control leafhoppers at the Rollingdale Vineyard (2019)

John Klironomos – Professor of Biology

GroAloe Trial to Control Leafhoppers

During the summer of 2019, we conducted a trial using GroAloe at the Rollingdale vineyard to control for the incidence of leafhoppers. When we began in mid-May, we observed a large number of leafhoppers (an average of approx. 18 individuals per leaf) (Figure 1). By the beginning of July, the GroAloe treatment significantly reduced their abundance. By the beginning of August, leafhoppers were reduced even further to almost zero in the GroAloe treatment, whereas they remained high (average of approx. 18 individuals per leaf) in the control. We also treated a row of hop plants at the same time, and we found a similar result. Hops were highly infested with leafhoppers in Mid-May (approx. 35 individuals per leaf), and by early August they were almost completely eliminated following the GroAloe treatment (Figure 1). Screen Shot 2020-09-25 at 4.52.04 PM


Rollingdale is a small farm gate winery located in Lakeview Heights in West Kelowna, British Columbia. As an organic winery we are restricted as to what products we can use on our grapes. Our focus is on producing fine wines using only premium grapes made from the most conscientiously cultivated vines we can find. To achieve this, we are open to new ideas and ways of doing things. When GroAloe was introduced to us as a 100% organic soil amendment product that could materially enhance yield, while sceptical, we were willing to give it a trial.

The trial was overseen by the University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus and commenced in March 2019 to harvest in October of that year. We followed the protocols given to us by our GroAloe consultant and used no other sprays, including Kumulus.

The results were nothing short of astonishing.

Year over Yer comparison “We had lower leafhopper numbers throughout the entire vineyard by about 90%; healthier fruit clusters with a great fruit set; no sign of uneven growth of berries and clusters; overall healthier grapes; skin structure of the merlot was very evident; the merlot also had great tannin development with long chain tannins arriving; long, full clusters with enhanced overall berry size; and both an increase in the quality of the grapes and in yield. The yield was a 47% increase year over year. In comparison, most other wineries in the Okanagan Valley saw a similar harvest or worse to the prior year. Rollingdale has a contract vineyard that is completely separate and was not treated with GroAloe, and this crop was devastated by white powdery mildew. Needless to say, we have already put our order in for GroAloe for next year with the first application starting in March. We would recommend GroAloe to any winery whether organic or not.” Brendan Smith, Vineyard Manager & Winemaker



  • GroAloe is a bio stimulant soil amendment product
  • Eco-friendly and 100% organic
  • Enhances nutrient uptake allowing the crop’s/plant’s own natural defences to fight disease and pests
  • Increases plant growth due to the presence of the natural growth hormone, Gibberellin
  • Contains lignin, a natural biopolymer, which allows plants to utilize the food at its root system much faster
  • Promotes efficient water usage
  • Contains over 20 amino acids, important for soil chelation; carbohydrates such as mannitol, alsoimportant for soil chelation; a host of vitamins including A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E; and micronutrient minerals including calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, and copper, which the lignin uptakes along with added nutrients deeply absorbed directly where needed by the plant.
  • Also contains florigen, which increases the bloom volume, thus increasing crop yield.
  • Plants/crops sprayed with GroAloe organically and systemically result in a much healthier plant by stimulation the natural defences and allowing it to fight off diseases, fungus, mold, and powdery mildew. In addition, insects dislike GroAloe, especially vector insects that carry damaging diseases, fungus, and mold.

CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 100% Whole Leaf Aloe Vera (Gibberellin and Lignin is greatly enhanced due to the patented process).


Store powder in a fridge or freezer for maximum shelf life. Keep bag/container closed tightly to prevent oxidation. The same is recommended for any unused portions of the diluted liquid.


  • To start the season, we recommend foliar spraying before any sign of growth using an 8% solution to completely saturate the vines and surrounding soil.
  • After an initial application rate of 8% is applied, start the regular 4% maintenance program after vines have 5” of new growth. Spray weekly throughout the season.
  • We recommend one final spray on grapes 24 hours before harvest. This will prevent mold / mildew from forming on the grapes between harvest and processing.
  • GroAloe foliar applications will balance the Carbon/Nitrogen ratio of the soil and facilitate more efficient transport of nutrients throughout the vines. Use only GroAloe sprays along with your normal nutrients/fertilizers, as there is no need to spray with Kumulus or any other hash chemicals.
  • We recommend one final spray on vines after leaf drop and cleanup (post-harvest) for an added layer of protection during the off season.


  • GroAloe can be added to an existing nutrient recipe.
  • Apply GroAloe within 4 hours of mixing a solution.
  • Ensure that the solution is mixed properly to ensure water solubility.


  • DO NOT APPLY IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT! Spray GroAloe in the late afternoon or near sunset to allow solution adequate time to dry and avoid burning plants.
  • Do not ingest. Although a natural product, GroAloe concentrated powder contains compounds that can act as powerful laxatives, however once diluted these properties disappear.

POSSIBLE HAZARDS -NONE– GroAloe is 100% Aloe Vera and does not contain any other ingredients. Use the following guidelines to prepare the desired strength of the GroAloe solution from the stabilized freeze-dried powder. Always stir the solution thoroughly before each use to ensure water solubility and efficacy of the product.

Level tablespoon to gram rough equivalence: ½ TSP = 4 grams 1 TSP = 8 grams 1 TBSP = 12


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GroAloe Vineyard Field calculations:

Our protocol requires you to spray a 140-liter solution for every acre. So, for say 3 acres this would require 420 liters per spraying.

In the case of Rollingdale, which is an organic winery, they sprayed about 16 times (weekly) during the season and they already had leafhoppers when we got involved so we increased the first two sprayings to an 8% solution and then backed off to 4%. In the case where a vineyard only sprays 7 or 8 times (every other week) per season, we would recommend keeping an 8% solution.

With GroAloe, you can spray right up to 24 hours before harvest with no problems. We do not recommend, however, that you spray in bright sunlight as GroAloe has some UV exciters. We therefore recommend spraying in the evenings or as soon as there is no direct sunlight. On the basis that you do not have any current issues with your vineyard such as pests, then we recommend you start your first spray with an 8% solution, and then when the vines have 5” of new growth, go down to a 4% solution assuming you are going to spray 14 or more times, say weekly during the season. GroAloe applied during this time will balance the Carbon/Nitrogen ratio of the soil and facilitate more efficient transport of nutrients throughout the vines.

Based on this spray regime, you will need 687 grams of GroAloe for an 8% solution for the 420 liters. Then 342 grams for the 4% solution. Let’s say you spray 16 times in total, then this would amount to just less than 5,817 grams, or 6 kgs for 3 acres to give you an example.

Remember that spraying with GroAloe you will not need to spray with Kumulus or Fracture and you can spray up to 24 hours before harvest. Our clients have experienced increases in their yields by a minimum of 30% (and 47% in the case of Rollingdale) and have not had to worry about pests such as leafhoppers, and diseases such as white powdery mildew and Botrytis Bunch Rot (BBR).

In addition, beyond the material increase in yield you will have better tasting wine from enhanced Tannin and flavonoid production, for several reasons, including the elimination of products such as Kumulus and or Fracture, thus easily covering the cost of the GroAloe.

UBCO Rollingdale Vineyard FULL report testimonial protocols and numbers

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